UploadBeast.com is an internet storage service provider as defined by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"), 17 U.S.C. section 512 ("DMCA") and as such, complies with all provisions of the DMCA and copyright law including Intellectual Property Rights. UploadBeast.com responds promptly to claims of copyright infringement reported to its designated copyright agent.
UploadBeast.com shall accommodate and not interfere with standard technical measures (as defined by the DMCA) used to
identify and protect copyrighted works and shall disable access to or remove content that it believes in good faith may infringe the copyrights of
third parties as well as discontinue service to users who repeatedly make such content available or otherwise violate UploadBeast.com's Terms of Service.
It is the policy of UploadBeast.com to respect the legitimate rights of copyright owners, their agents, and representatives. The following applies to any and all copyright/trademark and owners of intellectual property interested in utilizing this procedure, as well as service users interested in restoring access to the material mistakenly taken down.
UploadBeast.com has a zero tolerance approach towards copyright infringement, as such, we ask that you do not abuse the UploadBeast.com service by using it to distribute materials to which you do not have legal rights or authorization.
Should you have good faith belief that your copyright has been uploaded without your permission or authorization we suggest you send UploadBeast.com's registered agent a DMCA Notice of Copyright Infringement.
To complete a proper DMCA Notice, state the following information:
1. Identify yourself as an owner of copyrighted work or exclusive rights that you believe are infringed, or a person acting on behalf of such owner.
2. Provide information reasonably sufficient to permit UploadBeast.com to contact you namely, such as name, address, phone number and e-mail address.
3. Specify the copyrighted work that you believe is being infringed, or if a large number of works are being infringed, a representative list of the works.
4. Identify the location of materials that are infringing your copyrighted work, by providing web URLs on UploadBeast.com site that contain these materials. Please do not send attached images, pdf or other file formats files, but only a list with UploadBeast.com web URLs. Providing all URLs in the letter body is the best way to help us process your request quickly.
5. State that you have "a good faith belief that use of the aforementioned material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agents, or the law".
6. State that the information in the notice is accurate, under penalty of perjury. To do so, include the following statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in the notification is accurate and that I am the (copyright) owner or am authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed".
7. Sign the notice. If you are providing notice by e-mail, a scanned physical signature or a valid electronic signature will be accepted.
Failure to include all of the above information may result in a delay of the processing of the DMCA notification.
Please note that under Section 512(f) of the DMCA, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be subject to liability.
Notice and Takedown Procedure
If UploadBeast.com receives proper notification of claimed copyright infringement, or if UploadBeast.com comes to believe in good faith that content available through the UploadBeast.com may infringe copyrights, it will remove or disable access to the potentially infringing materials as soon as reasonably possible. UploadBeast.com will also try to promptly notify the member or user who made the content available through the UploadBeast.com service that the content has been removed or access to it has been disabled. Please note that UploadBeast.com will not necessarily send a confirmation about the takedown actions to the reporter.
To file a DMCA notice of copyright infringement as well as information regarding our registered agent, do it by submitting an abuse form.
Repeat Infringer Policy
Under appropriate circumstances, UploadBeast.com may, in its sole discretion, terminate authorization of users of its system or network who repeat infringements without prior notice.
Accommodation of Standard Technical Measures
It is the policy of UploadBeast.com to accommodate and not interfere with standard technical measures it determines are reasonable under the circumstances, i.e. technical measures that are used by copyright owners to identify or protect copyrighted works.
Designated agent
All claims of copyright infringement on or regarding this website should be delivered to UploadBeast.com's Designated DMCA Agent by submitting an abuse form.
This email address should be used only for copyright infringement reports - if the submitted letter is not related to a copyright question, you will not receive a reply from us.
Upon receipt of proper notification of claimed infringement, UploadBeast.com will follow the procedures outlined herein and in the DMCA.
Trademark Policy
When content is uploaded to the UploadBeast.com service by users, a URL is generated which links to said content. UploadBeast.com does not knowingly incorporate third party trademarks into the URLs generated when content is uploaded. Further, UploadBeast.com does not provide an index of content available through the UploadBeast.com service.
If you believe that the UploadBeast.com service is being used to distribute products or services using your trademark in a manner that violates your rights as a trademark holder, you may submit a notification to UploadBeast.com. Use the process described above for submitting a notification of copyright infringement specifying that your notification pertains to trademark infringement by including the phrase "Trademark Notice" in the subject line of your e-mail message or letter. Moreover, pursuant to identifying the trademarked content and location, include the following statement that you have a good faith belief that use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the trademark owner, the trademark owner's agent, or the law; a statement that you are the owner or are authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the trademark that you believe is being infringed; an assurance that the information being provided is accurate and lastly your physical or electronic signature.
Following receipt of a proper notification as outlined above, UploadBeast.com will promptly disable access to or remove content that it believes in good faith may infringe the trademark rights of third parties.